Manchmal hört man ein Lied und eine Zeile daraus gräbt
sich besonders im Hirn ein. Weil sie besonders interessant,
blöd, unverständlich oder treffend ist.
Auf dieser Seite veröffentliche eine Reihe solcher Zitate ohne
weiteren Kommentar:
Leaving is easier than being left behind (Leaving New York, R.E.M.)
Memories, they keep coming through - the good one hurt more than the bad ones do (Forever not yours, a-ha)
The Future ain't what it used to be (Title, Pandora's Box / Jim Steinmann)
I'm not scared - I'm out of here (Electrolite, R.E.M.)
This is my mistake - let me make it good (World Leader pretend, R.E.M.)
This is my world - and I am the world leader pretend (World Leader pretend, R.E.M.)
Who made the very first move? (Left in the dark, Jim Steinman)
Confidentional Information - it's always in the diary (Private Investigations, Dire Straits)
Two man say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong (Industrial Desease, Dire Straits)
Oranges on Appletrees, endless possibilties (Oranges on appletrees, a-ha)
Mama, just killed the man - put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead (Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen)
Tell me are you a Christian child? And I said: Mam, I am tonight - walking in Memphis (Walking in Memphis, Marc Cohn)
I'm going slightly mad (Title, Queen)
I tried to dance at a funeral (Without a trace, Soul Asylum)
Feeling twentytwo, acting seventeen (The closet thing to crazy, Katie Melua)
Now the universe left you for a runners lap, it feels like home when it comes crashing back (Aftermath, R.E.M.)
It's time I have some time alone (It's the End of the World as we know it (and I feel fine), R.E.M.)
How can I be condemned for the things that if've done - if my intentions were good? (Soul Society, Kamelot)
Is it a sin to learn to be able to live without love? (Devil in the belfry, Avantasia)
Was kümmert dich das Morgen gross / Du hast deine Zeit längst verlorn / Dies ist dein wohlverdientes Heute (Liebe liegt nicht, Herbert Grönemeyer)
When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school / It's a wonder I can think at all (Kodachrome, Paul Simon)
Wenn schon arbeitslos ja dann ein Beruf der Spaß macht (Anderssein, Clueso)